Invitation Letter for a Schengen Visa - How to Write

Last Updated : 29 Apr 2024

30-Second Summary

You must submit an Invitation letter when you apply for a Schengen visa.

  • This document serves as a formal invitation from a host in one of the Schengen countries, validating the purpose of your visit.

  • You must attach the invitation letter to the rest of the documents in your application

  • You must use formal language when writing the invitation letter.

Why Is An Invitation Letter For A Schengen Visa Important?

An invitation letter for a Schengen visa plays an important role in the visa application, especially for individuals planning to visit friends, family, or business associates within the Schengen Area. This document serves as a formal invitation from a host in one of the Schengen countries, validating the purpose of your visit.

You must attach the invitation letter to the rest of the required Schengen visa documents in your application, which you will give to the Embassy. The invitation letter supports your application. The letter will tell them why you’re travelling to a Schengen area and who you’re visiting.

So, if you do not return to your home country within the specified time, the authorities will know you’re overstaying, and they will also have the contact information of the person you stay with.

What Must I Include In An Invitation Letter For A Schengen Visa?

You must include a few details in your Schengen visa invitation letter. This section will take you through everything you need to know:

  • Date: The letter must include the date when the letter was written.

  • Embassy: The letter must include the name of the Embassy you’ll apply at and their contact information (phone number and address).

  • Host’s details: The name of the person you’ll be living with, the status in the Schengen country (citizen or permanent resident), and their contact information.

  • Your details: You must add your name, surname, and passport number to the letter.

  • Purpose of travel: Clearly state the purpose of the visit, whether it's a family visit, tourism, business meetings, or any other specific reason for the trip.

  • Relationship with the inviting person: Clearly explain the relationship between you and the host, emphasising the duration and nature of the relationship.

  • Dates of travel: Include your date of travel (when you’ll travel to the Schengen country and when you’ll return home).

  • Itinerary of travel: Provide a detailed travel itinerary of the planned activities, including dates, places to visit, and any scheduled meetings or events during the visit.

  • Host’s signature: The person you’ll stay with must sign the invitation letter for the Schengen visa.

Language Use

In addition to the information and documents mentioned above, you must use formal language in the invitation letter. This is to show that you understand the Embassy’s importance and respect their authority.

You cannot use any local expressions or metaphors. The letter must be straightforward without any exaggerations to demonstrate a serious intent to visit the Schengen area and return to your home country.

What Are The Different Types Of Schengen Visa Invitation Letters?

Since you would want to travel to a Schengen area country for many reasons, there are also many types of invitation letters. Each type of invitation letter will also require additional supporting documents. The Embassies are very particular about this and will not accept any invitation letters without the supporting documents.

Invitation Letter From Your Friends Or Family For Tourism

One common reason people travel to the Schengen area is to visit their friends or family. This is also seen as a Schengen visa for tourism. They must write the Schengen visa invitation letter for you if you’re visiting family or friends.

The letter must state that you are the person’s relative or friend and that you will visit for a specific period. As a supporting document, you must attach proof of the relationship with the person and clearly state your duration, purpose, and financial status.

The invitation letter can be from your spouse, an EU or Schengen area national, parents, or children. You must attach a valid marriage or birth certificate to prove your relationship.

Business Invitation Letter for Schengen Visa

Many people need to go to a Schengen country for business purposes. This is normally true when meeting with a potential investor or a foreign partner. If this is the case, you will need a business invitation letter.

The letter must specify your business relationship with the person you are visiting and what you will do in the country (meetings, conferences, investments, etc). You must attach an itinerary of the business activities to the invitation letter to show what you have planned to work on during your time in the Schengen area.

You need a letter from your employer confirming that you are an employee with the details of your work. This includes:

  • Your job position.

  • Date of employment.

  • Monthly salary.

  • Why you must leave the country for business purposes.

Sponsor Letter for Schengen Visa

Let’s say you’re invited to a conference to give a presentation, speech, or attend a trade show. In this case, your invitation letter must be from the person or company sponsoring you to go to this activity. The conference or trade show organisers must write the invitation letter and clearly state your name there.

The letter must say why you’re the right person for this event and other details such as the itinerary, conference dates, and where you will stay. The sponsor must also include whether they’ll cover your stay.

Finally, the letter must clearly state the contact information and certificate of registration of the person or company sponsoring you for this event.

Sample Of An Invitation Letter For A Schengen Visa

To make things easier and less complicated, we’ve written out an example of what the Schengen visa invitation letter for Indians will look like:

Sample Invitation Letter for Visitor Visa

The sample invitation letter below shows a family or friend's invitation letter for a tourist or visitor visa.

To: Date:

Immigration Officer

[The Embassy Name]

[Embassy Address]

[Embassy Phone Number]

Re: Invitation Letter for [Applicant’s Name] with Passport No. (insert passport number).

Respected Sir/Madam,

I, [Inviting Person’s Name], currently residing at [Inviting Person’s Current Address], and a citizen or permanent resident of [Country’s Name], am writing this letter to support the visa application of my friend, [Applicant’s Name].

The purpose of the visit of my friend, [Applicant’s Name] is to visit me and engage in tourism in [Country’s Name]. Our friendship has undergone distance and time, and we have wanted to use my friend's visit to reconnect.

[Applicant’s Name] and I have been friends for [enter number of years or length]. We have [provide a description of activities or other events you have attended or done together]. This has led to us developing a close relationship and staying in touch ever since.

[Applicant’s Name] will be visiting during the following dates: from [Provide starting date of visit in format DD/MM/YY] to [Provide ending date of visit in format DD/MM/YY].

We will visit [Specify city/place names] during the abovementioned trip dates. In addition, [Applicant’s Name] will be staying at [Provide Inviting Person’s Address or Hotel Address]. The trip will be funded through [Provide means of funding].


  • Copy of inviting person’s Passport
  • Copy of inviting person’s other ID
  • Proof of relationship (you can attach pictures of events together or other supporting documents)
  • Proof of accommodation
  • Proof of return to home country (employment contract, property ownership, lease agreement, etc.)
  • Other applicable documents

We sincerely request that you consider [Applicant’s Name] visa application. Please do not hesitate to contact me for any questions or inquiries at [Inviting Person’s Phone Number] or [Inviting Person’s E-mail].

Kind regards,

[Inviting Person’s Signature]
[Inviting Person’s Name]
[Inviting Person’s Address]
[Inviting Person’s Phone Number]
[Inviting Person’s Email]

You can use this link to access a sample of the invitation letter for visits.

Sample Invitation Letter For Visitor Visa For Parents

To: Date:

Immigration Officer

[The Embassy Name]

[The Embassy Address]

[Embassy Phone Number]

Re: Invitation Letter for [Applicant’s Name] with Passport No. (insert passport number).

Respected Sir/Madam,

I, [Inviting Person’s Name], currently residing at [Inviting Person’s Address] and a citizen or permanent resident of [Country’s Name], am writing this letter to support the visa application of my parent [mother/father], [Applicant’s Name].

The purpose of my parent's visit, [Applicant’s Name], is to visit me in [Country’s Name]. We have not seen each other in [Provide length of time] and would greatly appreciate spending time together. I have wanted to show my parent, [Applicant’s Name], the life I have built in [Country’s Name] for a long time and would cherish the chance to reconnect. We have a very close relationship, and even though we’re apart, we continuously keep in touch.

[Applicant’s Name] will be visiting during the following dates: from [Provide starting date of visit in format DD/MM/YY] to [Provide ending date of visit in format DD/MM/YY].

During the trip dates mentioned above, we will visit [Specify city/place names]. In addition, [Applicant’s Name] will be staying at [Provide Inviting Person’s Address or Hotel Address]. The trip will be funded through [Provide means of funding].


  • Copy of inviting person’s Passport
  • Copy of inviting person’s other ID
  • Proof of relationship (birth certificate and other documents)
  • Proof of accommodation
  • Proof of return to home country (employment contract, property ownership, lease agreement, etc.)
  • Other applicable documents

We sincerely request that you consider [Applicant’s Name] visa application. Please do not hesitate to contact me for any questions or inquiries at [Inviting Person’s Phone Number] or [Inviting Person’s E-mail].

Kind regards,

[Inviting Person’s Signature]
[Inviting Person’s Name]
[Inviting Person’s Address]
[Inviting Person’s Phone Number]
[Inviting Person’s Email]

You can access this link for a downloadable sample of the Sample Invitation Letter For Visitor Visa For Parents.

Sample Invitation Letter To Study

To: Date:

Immigration Officer

[Embassy Name]

[Embassy Address]

[Embassy Phone Number]

Re: Invitation Letter for [Applicant’s Name] with Passport No. (enter passport number)

Respected Sir/Madam,

I, [Inviting person’s name] currently reside at [Inviting Person’s Address], and is a citizen or permanent resident of [name of the Schengen state]. I’m writing this letter to support the Study Visa Application of my friend, [Applicant’s name].

The purpose of the visit of my friend or relative [applicant’s name] is to study an eight-week English Language Course in [institution’s name].

[Applicant’s name] and I have been friends for [number of years or the specific duration].

The applicant has cleared all dues in advance whereas all other relevant documents have also been attached.

It is humbly requested to approve [Applicant’s name] visa application. Feel free to contact me in case of any query at [Inviting person’s email] or [Inviting person’s contact number]


Copy of inviting person’s Passport

Copy of inviting person’s other ID

Proof of relationship (you can attach pictures of events together or other supporting documents)

Proof of accommodation

Proof of return to home country (employment contract, property ownership, lease agreement, etc.)

Kind regards,

[Inviting Person’s Signature]

[Inviting Person’s Name]

[Inviting Person’s Address]

[Inviting Person’s Phone Number]

[Inviting Person’s Email]

You can access a downloadable link for the sample.


The invitation letter for a Schengen visa is a crucial document that can significantly influence approval. Therefore, it's essential to carefully draft the letter, providing comprehensive and accurate information while maintaining a formal and welcoming tone.

Remember, the invitation letter should genuinely represent the host's invitation and the applicant's planned activities, serving as a supporting document to strengthen the visa application.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is an invitation letter mandatory for a Schengen visa application?

Yes, it is. Submitting an invitation letter can strengthen the visa application by providing clarity on the visit's purpose and authenticity.

Who can issue a Schengen visa invitation letter?

The invitation letter can be issued by a host residing legally in a Schengen country, such as a family member, friend, employer, or business partner.

What should be included in the invitation letter?

Essential components of an invitation letter include the host's details, relationship to the applicant, purpose of the visit, itinerary details, accommodation plans, and a formal invitation statement.

Can the invitation letter be handwritten or emailed?

It's recommended to have a typed and signed invitation letter, preferably on the host's official letterhead, to enhance its credibility.

Does the invitation letter need to be notarized or legalized?

In some cases, depending on the country's requirements, the invitation letter may need notarization or legalization. Check the specific consulate's guidelines.

How far in advance should the invitation letter be issued before the planned visit?

The invitation letter should be issued well in advance of the visa application, allowing sufficient time for the applicant to compile other necessary documents.

Can I provide multiple invitation letters for a Schengen visa application?

Yes, if visiting multiple hosts or for multiple purposes, separate invitation letters can be provided for each.

Can the host's financial support be mentioned in the invitation letter?

The invitation letter can mention the host's willingness to provide financial support, if applicable, but it's not a substitute for the applicant's own financial means.

What role does the invitation letter play in the Schengen visa application process?

The invitation letter supports the visa application by providing evidence of the purpose, duration, and authenticity of the visit.

Can an invitation letter guarantee the approval of a Schengen visa?

No, while an invitation letter is important, visa approval depends on various factors, including individual circumstances and meeting all visa requirements.

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